Honestly, we found all the items on the list, but I’m going to share with you the most exciting.
Let’s begin our hike. Miss G will lead the way.
We don’t have far to go before finding four different greens. Can you name the different plants?
Here is the heart shaped leaf.
Miss G thought this lichen looked like an old man’s hair.
We found lots of evidence of bears
This is the grass we saw the bears munching on yesterday.
Paw prints! Compare a bear paw to my hand.
Yummy! Skunk cabbage! Bears rip it up and eat the roots. Dude is looking at the mess they made. Ask your mom to make you some tonight!
Here is some bear poo.
Here is some more bear poo. That big boy or girl has been eating lots of grass.
In case you didn’t get enough…. Bear poo.
You can learn a lot about bears from their poo! You can see what they have been eating and about how big the bear. Click here for a whole website devoted to animal poo or scat. Warning: not for those who get queasy when looking at poo.
Miss G also found an Eagle feather.
Oh, more bear poo. There is a lot of bear poo in Alaska.